
Is it all just a ruse? — 9 Comments

  1. St. Marks cathedral is a very special place. We just visited a cathedral in Monreale, outside of Palermo that was constructed around the same time by the same artisans. Amazing mosaic work.

  2. Welcome “home”. I get the same “feels” when I arrive in Florence.

    I’m looking forward to my morning coffee with you and Ken, pretending I’m with you at the “Pupa” bar instead of my dreary kitchen 😆😂

  3. Jan, you write and I am there! Such great blogging, every word and picture is magic. Keep it coming. I’m in heaven Grazie!

  4. Love the photos, but I want more and more and more. Four years ago we were there, but not since. Oh, my, how I miss it so your words are music to my eyes and your photos are dessert. I have heard and read so many negative things about how avenice has changed, it is wonderful to know the magic lives on.

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