
We Made It! — 19 Comments

  1. We just got home from Rome after a month in Italy. No rain but a little cold at night. Rome had a bunch of young tourists on vacation/spring break but never a problem.. we are planning our next trip back.

  2. Lovely descriptive writing as usual. Glad you arrived with no problems. I could feel you breathe deeply as you arrived in Bella Italia. I am following you just as breathlessly! Buon viaggio e Grazie Mille! Ciao ciao barb c.

  3. So happ that you’re there and settled in! Looking forward to spending my fantasies with you. Love you both! Pat and Bob! 🌻🌻🌻🌻

  4. I have been anxiously waiting to hear from you. I loved the pictures. I could feel myself there. In the second pic there is a woman in a red shirt and jeans with white sneakers I thought was you, Jan. I can’t wait to hear more. Love you both. Josie

  5. Rob and I both will be following your days and nights in Bella Roma – as you know, our “2nd” home. Ahhh, how we miss her, but you will be bringing her to us. Grazie mille.
    We love Via Sistina and the streets in that neighborhood. It’s been years since we have eaten at, but love love love their antipasta options, that go on for miles – Marcello, Vladimiro – Via Aurora, 37, 00187 Roma RM, Italy. There are so many restaurants in your area. Enjoy

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